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The Podcast

About Us

Hello fellow dependas! There have been a few changes made recently as you probably have noticed. We have shifted our podcast content to fit in what we love, true crime, while also keeping with military topics. Also, Lindsey is no longer able to collab with us and that is ok! That is life right? So here we are! We are the voices behind DEPENDAsplaining. Veronica and Jen met in 2017 and became fast friends. Our podcast vision first came about with our obsession with true crime podcast. We thought "Hey, we could do this!" With our experience as military spouses, DEPENDAsplaining came about! Veronica has been travelling the world throughout her husband military career, being stationed in some of the most beautiful places. She has two sweet and silly kids and they are currently getting ready for their fifth PCS. Jen has been a military spouse for just over 10 years and also has two wonderful kids! 

We are so grateful for all of your continued support! Keep listening and reach out to us at any time!



We'd love to hear from you! Drop us your messages about anything you have questions on or any bases you'd like to hear about!

Thanks for submitting!

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DEPENDAsplaining is an independent broadcast and is in no way affiliated with the DOD or military branches. The opinions are that of the hosts. 

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